BBC - Devon - Have Your Say on the local, unsigned musical talent (2025)


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B-B From London
First of all Devon got it goin' on! Your certainly producing some talented folk down there.Would like to here the likes of instinct, vinnie, jodie jones and who'z in the room with norman up here in London. Think you've all great potential and good luck!

Jamie from Barnstaple
Jodie Jones it feels like love when i listen to your song!

Megan, From Devon
Best of luck to who'z in the room with norman? Think your a fantastic band worthy of much succsess and greatness!Thanks.

Ali, Eeter
I saw zenn at the cavern last week and also thought that they were NOT good, thumbs way down!!

'Lil JJ'
I know loads of people have mentioned the w.i.t.r.w.norman gig on thursday night, but i just have to comment. Words cannot describe how individually talented each member is and how they bring it all together to produce this SWEET sound, just music to my ears! Could listen to them all day every day. To be honest i cant say i have a bad word or can say anything to improve on they are quality! The guy on guitar and main vocals was SO amazin, can tell he loves his music by the way he plays so much enthusiasm, the others were wicked also, bass was HOT and the song he sang was sweet one of my fav out the night and drums, he seems such a serious chap but what a wicked sound produced, his solo was TOP!Keep up the good work and best of luck with the future, hope to catch another gig when your back from America.

Jon Tq
Back along 'Norman?' were WRONGLY slated for being a typical cliche cover band, but @ the spinning wheel gig that everyone is going on about they really meant bussiness. Never seen such a confident energetic performance. They played a lot of great ORIGINAL music much more than they used to, and pulled it off as well the crowd loved em! Think they can proudly stick two fingers up to everyone who slated them in the past because they really rocked! Shame there not performing at the bikers festival they deserve such a wider audience!Great stuff lads keep it up!

Terry, Torquay
Everyone who has commented on the 'NORMAN?' gig thursday night is spot on! They were flippin amazin! The energy the lead guitarist has, such a high from start to finish! Cheers and applause all round!What a TOP band.

alex exeter
since the south devon lot have entered their demos this site seems to have taken off.when is the next offering due to see if they will top the latest?

Reply from host: Watch this space the next few will be online very soon.

Mike Northampton
Every time I visit this message board now, I struggle not to barf at all the sycophantic posts for WITRWN. I could perhaps understand it if they actually played a gig consisting of their own songs, but to get so excited about a group who predominantly perform covers (something that any group of session musicians could do) is ridiculous! Their demo is ok, but save the raving about playing the guitar with teeth etc. - its a gimmick thats been done to death - much like most of their setlist!

Phil (Vinnie) Sidmouth
Anyone intersted in Vinnie our email is for a demo or gigs etc.

Amy Paignton
NORMAN? gig last night rocked! Jay should definatley sing more often he sounded SO good! he rocked that bass too!

from Devon
Who'z In The Room With Norman? Absolute legends! Caught one of their best gigs ever last night.'kris, how do you play with your teeth??

Mike, Paignton
Saw the Who'z In The Room With Norman? gig, im so glad i went. What a talented bunch of musicians, just fantastic. The drummer was amazin, very cool and calm doesnt move very much but the sound produced was amazin! The bassist; he's got some style, great bass lines!!Good vocals too! The lead guitarist/singer well were do i start, nothing but pure talent and excellence! Couldnt see his fingers he was playing so fast, his solos were amazin, he played behind his head, on his knees, with his TEETH! The final song got a standing ovation with cants of "more, more" He made the gig, much respect for this lad he is one talented guy!Best of luck cant think of another band who deserve to make it as much as you!

WOW what aperformance from who'z in the room with norman? last night (Spinning wheel) They were out of this world. Not one bad moment. Every single member of the band brung it to the table! The bass was superb! And lead guitar teeth playing WOW!!! your prety talented!

OMG!! I whitnessed one of the GREATEST "norman?" performances of all time last night at the Spinning Wheel. Pure brilliance! The energy comming off the stage was electric! WHO'Z IN THE ROOM WITH NORMAN? you rock! Thanks for the best night in a long time!

ollie, exmouth
I saw Zenn at The Cavern last weekend. Not good.The 2 other bands Comeg and Trimorphous were outstanding. Why aren't they on here?They leave "Who's in the room with Norman" standing.

music angel
Kirsty, Laura and Big Bobby like many others on this site reflect the feelings of live music lovers in the South West. There is no doubt Devon and Cornwall have a raft of talent which fails to win the recognition it deserves. The issue is that too many are chasing the same few pounds, work in isolation and have neither the time nor resources to effectively promote themselves. The reality is for the vast majority this will end in frustration and unrealised aspiration. What is needed is a radical change in the approach of the artists. PR is the key to recognition, together with generating a local following and then creating a market niche. For most musicians that sounds like business jargon and that is exactly what is required. Because tomorrows successes will have turned themselves into a micro business working in partnership with mentors,business advisors, PR and marketing people. Creative talent and business disciplines are at opposite ends of the skills spectrum but some of the unsigned artists featured are doing exactly that and are starting to benefit from this alliance.

Vinnie are cool!! Does anyone know where I could get more music/ pictures of them???? Or just more info???

So many of these artists on this site need so much more recognition than they already get. Is Devon the right place for this to happen?? Personally i dont think so and their talent is wasted on the locals. Dont get me wrong i love the music scene in Devon and visit as may gigs as i can but i would love to see some of theses guys make it as some of them really do deserve it!

Laura. Bristol
I browsed a lot of the demo's and have to compliment the artsists on their talent and the web staff on making this available.. I think it helps to follow the artists links to hear their otehr work... one that is obvious is Bow Jenkins... a nice demo on the site, but her real brilliance is only heard when checking out her own site and other tracks. She has a real purity, and I would lvoe to hear her with just piano or guitar backing... a real star on the rise... but surely there are people in teh industry who look in and see the ranks of talent and what... go away again and elave it all to chance? Where is teh industry advice and support for these guys? It's like the singers and songwriters are working like slaves, and everyone esel has got mega lazy and can't be bothered furthereing the indie scene! Whey can't we have a indie, or unsigned festival? Someone like Bow Jenkins needs to be heard live! Several of these guys demand a hearing!!!! Just don't give up!!!

Big Bobby, Cornwall
Think that some of the Devon Demo acts like who'z in the room...? have such great potential and are wasted on the small time pubs and bars in TQ. Not all are lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to America,thats so amazing. I guess if you want it bad enough you got to go somewhere your going to be herd, really herd!

Andrew, Oakhampton
There are some really good bands on here, who'z in the room with norman?, instinct, fosta and jodie jones! but being in Devon i dont think it offers much credibility and chance to really make it! Out of all the amazin talented people of Devon very few make it! Such a shame because there is so much talent!

WHO'Z IN THE ROOM WITH NORMAN? Love the name, Love the demo!The harmonies and bass are SWEET!

Katrina, Bristol
FOSTA rule! they are great, love em!

omg!! 'NORMAN?'are hot!! the front man is so fine and the bassist is prety cute too! There demo is the best on this site in my opinion! Hope they become famous il be there No1 fan. Wicked Stuff!!Also 'Jodie' is cool.

Sam, Exeter
Who'z in the room with norman? do you have any Exeter gigs love your sound and would love to see one of your gigs, band sounds so fresh!

Leanne Foster/ Newport
"RED i" are quite good. Think the band could be a little more exciting, drums sound a bit out there quite basic need jamin' up!

Andy, Scotland.
Seems years ago now but i used to live in Devon and i really dont remember the Devon music scene being this good!It wasn't all bad though i followed a great band 'joey the lips' Its good to see that Devon can produce such talented people.Really love the purity of Jodie Jones and I think Who'z In The Room With Norman? are set to go far.I think its good that others see that not only big places like London can produce raw talent. In fact i doubt very much that they have the diversity like in Devon,none of this cliche boy and girl bands!Good luck to all your making Devon proud!

Fredie, South Devon
Really like the demo from Astra, think she sounds very different. The music industry can sometimes become too boring with the same old!

Alex from sidmouth
a band from Sidmouth?? Sounds like descent rock for a change. nice heavy number.

Mark, An Old Folk From Paignton.
Would just like to say that the front man out of "who'z in the room..." is such a quality guitar player. Seen his band a few times and i have so much respect for him, his love for music and the pasion he plays is amazin and great to watch.TOP guitarist, soon to be one of the best of our time; seems clear that his name will shine even if his band doesnt!

Emily, From Torquay
Big congrats' to all devon demo acts!A fav of mine out of a few is "who'z in the room with norman?" love the bass harmonies are prety tight too!Also a shout out to the John HOST, excellent site dude!

Amy Exeter
love jodie jones's demo think its pure talent and i hope she does well for herself.

stephan, torbay
the vocals sound good to me on the zenn song. my comments on the norman? band name was purly relating to their title- it has no baring on their sound. they to are good. i totally aggree with the lazyswede- like it or not, we all talk about the bands that actually grab the attention: surly we should accept that some bands are doing well for themselves, no matter what our favourite bands are. why not put effort into supporting chosen bands/acts than wasting effort slagging of other bands that are actually good at what they do, whether or not your are taken by what they do. the people that do like them wont turn them off, and i doubt it will detere people from listening. music is deep and has many faces, it's all diffrent. to put two bands in the situation in which they have been placed here must be hard.i for one would ike to say good luck to BOTH zenn & who's in the room with norman?- and EVERY OTHER ACT ON THIS SITE AND IN EVERY GROTTY PART OF THE UK that are giving it their all just to do what they love.

the lazyswede
It would seem that most of the people that have been leaving messages on this message board seem more interested in slagging off either each other or the bands that have been added to the BBC Devon website!!Every band starting out makes mistakes before they settle down and find the right set-up for themselves, be it with the singing or with the song writing or with the music overall. I just wonder if most of you that are leaving comments about the bands have actually ever played live on stage?? Or for that matter can even play an instrument??What bands need is constructive criticism and definitely not Slagging off, I have spent over 30 years within the music industry both as a musician and now as a promoter of Unsigned bands from all over the world, I have my own radio shows as well and yes I do get sent some terrible music but I don’t slag the bands off I at least try to explain where they are going wrong if I possibly can.So why not try to be helpful and give these bands some help that is if you know how to do that.Just a final note.“IDLECRASH” have just been played on the radio in Australia.soon to follow are "Jodie Jones"--Rebecka Slater-Lyons plus more from Devon.

don from north devon
With some better recording equipment and some slight voice tuning i think Fosta are set to be the next Muse. Love their sound!

kie, Totness
Would just like to bless all the devon demo acts. Good luck to everyone i think you'r all fantastic for doing what you'r doing!x

Laura from Brixham
HI "Will'z" just checked out "who'z in the room with norman" on the web page you sujested and i too love 'dont move the table' T.U.N.E!! the intro at the begining was just WOW!the guy who plays the bass rocks! he sounds so amazin and i love the soft jass feel to the drums at the very begining and then the guitar comes in and lets rock! got it always playin on my mp3 top top tune! *:-)

Adam, Exeter
listened to a few the demos and i thought; homebres imposible was ok nothing special, but a lot better than zenn lead vocals sound way way out!(thats putting it lightly)astra not really my sound but ok i guess, jodie jones great really liked it!who'z in the room... good stuff TIGHT band!vinnie its a grower.fosta and instinc great!!

Suzy, Torquay
Stephan/torbay; dig at the 'norman' boys Dont matter what the name is its the MUSIC that counts!and these lads are cookin' up a storm!

Stephan, Torbay
love the zenn song, was music to my ears. jodie jones too is very good and whos in the room with norman? what a silly name! hombres imposible sounded good as well.

'Danny from torbay' sadly the norman gig at appleby's has been cancled! :-( but you can catch the 'storming norman' crew at spinning wheel paignton this thursady.Nice one!

Love the band who'z in the room with norman? constantly playing them on my mp3 got some other fantastic songs from their mini page on some great work, love 'dont move the table'!bass is top + the guitar solo!

Amy, Barnstaple
Love the soft ellegent sound of Jodie Jones. Such a nice peacefull relaxing song.

Ben, London.
astra is a great new talent, so different just what the music industry needs!

harry from devon
"who'z in the room with norman?" are a great sound. Such quality in the demo, got some top bass playing as well!EXCELLENT!

Angie, Exeter
Lovin' the fresh sound of ASTRA.

Nick, Torbay.
who'z in the room with norman? talented, talented, talented!The drummer is amazing, the bassist rocks and the guitarist;fast fingers, playing behind his head and teeth playing!'norman'- you ROCK!

Martyn, Paignton
I herd who'z in the room with norman? when they was only begining and man have they improved! They quality of the band, the harmonies and lead singer kris's voice have all got so much better. This band is a sure set thing, and set to do so well. 'No more lies' is top; harmonies and bass exceptional!Well done lads, keep it up.

Tinny Junior From Bristol
Fosta are good but who'z in the room with norman? have a great sound. The bass and guitar are quality!!

red i sorry not my kind of music the band sound out of tune with each other

Nick from Plymouth
Jodie Jones, Wow! made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up,Gotta hear more where can I get the CD?

Peaches, il be catching that gig. After listening to the 'who'z in the room with norman?' demo and reading a few of the great comments they sound prety good! Hope they set to impress.

Jason from London
Zenn: Really NOT music to my ears! Lead singer sounds out of tune and strained!Great stuff from Jodie Jones though.

Page from Oakhampton
Im currently at uni and a few songs on my mp3 that i cant stop playing is fosta, instict, jodie jones and best of all who'z in the room with norman.Think all of you are so good, its a shame im at uni coz i would catch some of gigs! Keep it going coz you make a very boring studying sesh so much lighter!Thanks.x

Peter, Exeter
Will be interesting to see Zenn live because their demo IS really bad, the singers voice is not that great; but ive herd they are better live, lets hope its not a wasted trip to the cavern next week!

Tinny, Bristol
fosta you ROCK. really like your sound, the lead vocals not the best ive herd but your style is wicked!

Yo! Peaches your not wrong bout the bass player he is top, guitarist hot too and he plays prety amazin aswell! Top demo from the "norman" lads.

just listened to ASTRA think she sounds prety good, it different but good different!

Peaches from Brixham
Also would like to say to Danny and the rest "who'z in the room..." are playing at the 'Spining Wheel' Paignton Thursday 28th.Cant wait to here the bassist he's HOT!

G from TQ
One more quick one while I have a second; Jodie Jones - Beautiful, sublime song. Nice one.

G from TQ
Is Jamie from Zenn one of the guys who runs the Fat Catz jam night? If so he was nice enough to lend me a plectrum the last time I made a drunken fool of myself down there. A small nice gesture goes a long way in my eyes which is why when i saw the photo i thought i'd check the song out. Glad i did. Not exactly my sort of thing per se but damn, if it wasn't a good tune well played. And for those saying the singer's voice sounds strained well, to me it sounds like he's just feeling the song. That's just my opinion but I like to hear a bit of emotion in a voice. Kurt Cobain, n'est pas? Best of luck guys, see you soon on 'the circuit', i'll be the one with the outsized violin!

Lenny from Paignton
Who'z in the room with norman?They ROCK! The bassist is excelent, he's 18 and the best ive herd in Devon. Appleby's here i come.

Danny, Torbay
Would just like to say to all the "nmorman" fans on the message board. They are playing live at Appleby's Bar Torquay on Sunday 1st May if my sorce is correct. Come give em your support and be prepared to be blow away by their talent. Garantee they will set to give us another no energy spared performance, with some teeth playing i hope!

Josey, North Devon
Well done to everyone who has put their demos on this site, it takes guts and balls. Having people comment on your demos can be tough at times!Would like to say i love Jodie Jones, what a talented young lady very easy to listen to! On the upbeat side i liked 'who'z in the room with norman?' Good solid demo with excellent harmonies.Best of British to all bands and acts on Devon demos.

Adam from Torquay
Well said peaches! I have the up most respect for anyone not just "who'z in the room with norman?" who play their own instuments and who write and produce their own material. It takes talent to do it no matter what standard the finished product is. Well done To the guys from "who'z in the room... dont give up!

Vince: Exeter
Just caught the demo from who'z in the room with norman? like your style guys, top quality bass playing!

Peaches from Brixham
oh 'mat' how wrong could you be! w.i.t.r.w.norman are a quality band, they all play their own instruments and with a pasion that cannot describe! You say they are a cabaret band well thats the best laugh ive had in years! Highly amusing! Dont think you have a clue really!? Because if you'd seen this band live then you would know that even though they mostly play covers they funck it up into a style of their own and when they play ORIGINALS which they do! they contain nothing of this teenage cliche songwritting your talking about! As for the comment about seeing over the 'frosted tips /boy band etc'yes the band contains all boys so they are a boy band but the 'stereotypical' boy band FAR from it! Again if you have seen them, you would know comments are way out! The front man takes care of his appearence that is clear so what! but hay lets all put a lable on it because he looks like the 'stereotypical' guy from a 'stereotypical' 'boy band'Who'z in the room... are a tight band worthy of much success in the future! Keep it up lads.

Jonsey of newton
'Vinnie', nice demo, thats a nice track.

Jenny, Torbay
I agree totally with Matt from Totnes- w.i.t.r.w.n? I don't really want to know who IS in the room. The Jodie Jones demo was really nice.

'ANDROMEDA'..Walking in a straight line. WOW!! I have just listened to this band and will have to check out more of this bands music, Man this group in my opinion ought to get signed, it would be a shame if they didnt as they have that special something, that uniqueness,Awesome!!

Payne: Plymouth
Bow Jenkins has it all... really a class act, with real soul and a vibe and strong lyrics and a stronger voice. 100% a big name oneday! I am really moved by her brilliance! The CD is so fine, I bought it and i wish I could discover her all over again, it is that sweet, finding Bow Jenkins is one of lifes very beautiful moments!

Matt, Totnes
OMG w.i.t.r.w.n are so overrated, yeah their easy on the ears but, melody is so basic, lyrics v.sterotypical cliche teenage songwritting, pls see beyond the frosted tip highlights boy band image and you'll soon see that despite them their efforts they really are just a cabaret cover band. having said that the tourists will soon be down.... nans love cabaret dont they?!

Steve, Preston
i wasn't so keen on zenn at first, the demo is not the best on here but they did blow the roof off in a gig i saw, great rockin set. passion before perfection, music to my ears. very good band.

Ian, Torquay
Jodie Jones on saturaday on the show was out of this world. Cannot believ how talented she is really love the demo. will certainly look out for the albam.Are you having any other D.Demos acts on your show??p.s ive sent a few there good!

callly, Exeter
FOSTA rock but where have they dissapeared to? havent herd on any gigs lately! :-(

John from Torbay
'gareth' sure hit the nail on the head! I was also at the 'parkers arms' where kris' from "norman" was playing with scot. He was fantastic, fast fingers!Talented is the only word that describes!

Andy from London
Wow... just checked out Bow Jenkins and I was blown away! I can't believe she's only 15 and she wrote, produced and sang it all! Her website's got all her songs on it, and they're so awsome I just bought the album. Well done girl and keep at it!

Renegade , Torbay
WOW!!! just heard Fosta's demo they are brillant Real Tallent!!looking foward to hearing from them in the future. Any1 know when their playin any gig???!!

Jez, Torquay Massive
'peaches' (like your name) i totally agree with you "norman" do ROCK! Think their demo is top quality and so is their gigs!

Gareth, From Paignton.
Well there i was sat having a pint in my local(parkers arms paignton) and a regular scot had a guest guitarist with him who is in the band 'who'z in the room with norman' so i hear. Now i thought scot was a great guitarist till i herd this guy! wow CREDIT to this kid he can PLAY!! I had a job keeping up, his fingers were going double the speed of scot's! Absolutley amazing for such a young chap. He made the night, and you could really see his love for music and his guitar, he oozed a natural raw talent which was great to watch!Well done you'v obviously worked hard, il look out for your band!

Ash From Paignton
We went to see a nirvana tribute gig and ZENN were the support band, they Rocked!!!!

AmyLee from Newton
Hi all you music lovers. Would just like to say as a wanabe guitarist after listening to the demo and seeing them live a few times they are inspiring and im inspired. Just great stuff from who'z in the room with norman' especially the front man guitarist/singer!If they dont get signed there is no justice.

Anne from Torbay
Listened to the live performances from "jodie Jones" on the radio today and my heart melted with every word she sang. Sounds even better live and i cant wait to see her at a gig!all the best!x

Would just like to say a big shout out to thoes "the lads that call themself "who'z in the room with norman?" like the name its different like your demo its so tight and il look forward to catching a gig of yours, hopefully!

Anny Barnstaple
Great demo from 'vinnie' really like your work!

Peaches from Brixham
"WHO'Z IN THE ROOM WITH NORMAN?" rock! no energy spared in any of their performances! you sure are talented!

Les,an oldie from Paignton
i agree with some of the comments that have been wiped of about Astra and Jodie. Think they a fresh different talent Devon should be proud of!

Reply from host: No comments have been wiped - use the link at the bottom of the page to access the older messages.

Pat, from Devon
Would just like to say that after listening to who'z in the room with norman i think they are great, fresh, original, talented, amazin, and funky decribes them in a nutshell!

BBC - Devon - Have Your Say on the local, unsigned musical talent (1) more of your devon demos comments >>>

BBC - Devon - Have Your Say on the local, unsigned musical talent (2025)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.