Choosing an Electric or Pneumatic Vibrator | Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc. (2025)

Choosing an Electric or Pneumatic Vibrator | Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc. (1)

Material flow problems happen when materials adhere to the wall of a bin or hopper, slowing down production. Industrial vibrators are a standard solution to this issue across manufacturing industries, from concrete, oil and gas production to metal refining and food and beverage processing. Industrial vibrators prevent buildup and blockages in industrial equipment by breaking the cohesion between the material and the wall.

If your plant works with dry or wet bulk materials, implementing a material flow solution like an industrial vibrator can improve production by speeding up material flow in the bin. The various vibrator types, models and sizes can make it challenging to find the right one for your application. This guide to electric and pneumatic vibrators explains all you need to know to find the best industrial vibrator for your company.

Table of Contents

Electric Vibrators

Electric vibrators, not to be confused with electric hammers, are rotary-type vibrators that use the centrifugal force created by a mass rotating around a central point to dislodge the materials adhered to a bin.Rotary electric vibrators require a solid mount to ensure high force and frequency, promoting efficiency.These vibrators operate on electric power and are ideal for general material flow or specialized for separators, vibration tables, fluidized beds or compactors.

Electric vibrators provide several benefits to a broad range of industrial applications:

  • Low-cost operation
  • A long operating life
  • Low noise output

Choosing an Electric or Pneumatic Vibrator | Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc. (2)


Electric vibrators come in various formats, sizes and output ratings to optimize material flow across diverse operating environments.Rotary electric vibrator types include the following designs.

  • Heavy-duty rotary electric vibrators: Heavy-duty electric vibrators operate at various frequencies and are durable, enabling continuous operation at total output. Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc. has over 240 models of Series FV heavy-duty rotary vibratorswith diverse designs to power you through every application.
  • Micro rotary electric vibrators: Small electric vibrators can be helpful in smaller bins, pipes and chutes. The Series MICRO rotary electric vibrator from Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc.comes in 12 variations to fit your frequency and force needs.
  • Truck vibrators: Mobile or remote operations also need material flow solutions. Clumping or compacting in truck-based bins requires a truck-mounted solution. The Series DC Truck Vibratoris excellent for intermittent use in dump-truck beds, railcars and truck-mounted spreaders.


Electric vibrators are best for applications where materials bridge or rathole within the chute. Manufacturing and industrial applications for electric vibrators include the following.

  • Food processing and concrete manufacturing:In plants that deal with fine powders, bulk material handling can lead to clumping and bin-coating. Food processing facilities can benefit from high-frequency electric vibrators, ranging in frequency from 3,000 to 9,000 RPM, to keep small particles moving through the processing system.
  • Pharmaceutical laboratories: While all electric vibrators emit low noise, micro-sized vibrators provide the best noise reduction. These small vibrators produce a variety of output forces and are well-suited to pharmaceutical laboratories and other sound-sensitive environments, like packaging lines.
  • Mining and quarry operations: Other applications demand high-force output to handle dense materials. High-force rotary electric vibrators can reach outputs of up to 14,000 pounds.
  • Transportation and mobile bulk materials handling: Whether the application is a railcar or concrete mixer, truck vibrators can efficiently empty a load of bulk materials. The Series FVDC Truck Vibratoris watertight and built to withstand rugged applications in punishing outdoor environments.
  • Petroleum refining:TheSeries Explosion-Proof Electric Vibratorscomply with Class I and Class II environments performance requirements and are ideal for use in areas where flammable chemicals or dust create potentially harmful circumstances.

Whatever your application, rotary electric vibrators can help you speed up productivity and improve workflow.

Choosing an Electric or Pneumatic Vibrator | Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc. (3)

Pneumatic Vibrators

In applications where electric vibrators are impractical or would wear prematurely due to short on-off cycles, pneumatic vibrators are an excellent option. While some pneumatic vibrators use rotary movement, others use linear vibration, forcing a piston back and forth along an axis to deliver forces. These vibrators rely on compressed air, accessible at many manufacturing plants, to dislodge materials from a bin or shoot. Pneumatic vibrators offer these benefits:

  • Low noise
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Air-powered efficiency


Pneumatic vibrators come in rotary ball, roller, piston and turbine varieties to improve material flow in applications where compressed air is readily available.

  • Rotary air ball vibrators: Applications that require intermittent operation and low maintenance can benefit from the compact, rugged design and extreme efficiency of pneumatic ball vibrators that use a steel ball rotating on a ring.
  • Rotary pneumatic roller vibrators: Roller vibrators generate vibration through a roller that makes an eccentric motion.
  • Rotary pneumatic turbine vibrators: Silent pneumatic turbine vibrators use a turbine wheel and rotor to generate vibration suited for environments requiring sanitary equipment and low noise.
  • Pneumatic piston vibrators: Some pneumatic vibrators use the back-and-forth motions of pistons to create linear vibration. The Series LPV Slange Mount Piston Vibratorcan deliver variable amounts of force and frequency to meet various needs.


Pneumatic vibrators are well-suited to various bulk material handling and manufacturing applications.

  • Chemical processing: Workers who deal with chemicals must be aware of potential hazards through excess friction in their bulk material handling equipment. TheSeries DRV Rotary Pneumatic Rollereliminates friction and produces high frequencies through controlled air pressure regulation.
  • Concrete production: Concrete and cement production requires frequent repositioning of the vibrator and air hose. In these scenarios, the Series 2100 End Inletprovides a swivel for convenient positioning.
  • Food and beverage processing: Food and pharmaceuticals manufacturing plants must meet strict sanitary regulations throughout production. TheSeries DTV Pneumatic Turbine Vibratorkeeps materials loosened and maintains a hygienic environment and food and beverage processing plants.
  • Feed and grain processing: Agriculture applications need bulk material handling equipment to keep production moving quickly. Deca Vibrator Industrial, Inc. carriesSeries DBV Pneumatic Ball Vibratorsand a variety of otherrotary air ball vibratorsfor a broad range of agricultural applications.

Pneumatic vibrators can also be beneficial in numerous other material handling applications, including industrial manufacturing, mining and quarrying, petroleum refining and pharmaceutical processing.

Choosing a Vibrator for Your Material Handling Application

Electric and pneumatic vibrators can improve bulk material handling across many industries. Take these steps to determine which type and model of vibrator you need for your specific application.

1. Understand the Problem

To select the correct electric or pneumatic vibrator for your plant, you must first understand the issues you face. The type of material you handle will direct your choice of a vibrator. Are your materials prone to ratholing or bridging? An electric vibrator is likely your better option. Are your materials loose, wet and sticking to the inner walls of the bin or hopper? Pneumatic vibrators are often best for wetter materials.

2. Determine Your Power Source

Choosing a vibrator could be as simple as determining the available power source at your application. If your plant does not have access to compressed air, a pneumatic vibrator might be too impractical. Having compressed air and electricity gives you a wider range of options.

3. Verify Moisture Content

If your materials are dry and powdery, a rotary-type vibrator could provide all the vibration you need to thoroughly remove them from the bin. Rotary vibrators can easily overcome the friction between the materials and the bin wall. However, wetter materials like concrete or wet foods could be too adhesive for a rotary electric vibrator, and a pneumatic option using linear vibration would be more helpful. Linear vibration flexes the bin walls, shaking the material loose and sending it down the chute.

Contact Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc. for Your Industrial Vibrator Needs

Choosing the right vibrator for your bulk material handling issues can make a significant difference in your operations’ efficiency and productivity. Whether your company handles dry, food-grade powders or wet, compact cement, an industrial vibrator will efficiently solve material buildup.

At Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc., we are leaders in industrial vibrator engineering and provide expert consultation to assist you with your specific needs. Our expertise enables us to design powerful, long-lasting and cost-effective solutions to solve your problems.Contact Deca Vibrator Industries, Our engineers are ready to help you find an effective solution.


Article Name

Choosing an Electric or Pneumatic Vibrator


If your plant works with dry or wet bulk materials, implementing a material flow solution like an industrial vibrator can improve production by speeding up material flow in the bin. The various vibrator types, models and sizes can make it challenging to find the right one for your application. This guide to electric and pneumatic vibrators explains all you need to know to find the best industrial vibrator for your company.


Ed Derucki

Publisher Name

Deca Vibrator

Choosing an Electric or Pneumatic Vibrator | Deca Vibrator Industries, Inc. (2025)


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