Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (2025)

Shaping Better Lives

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (1)

  • About Paragon Mobility
  • Ki Mobility Catalyst
  • Little Wave
  • Rogue XP
  • Our People
  • Resources
  • Contact Us

About Paragon Mobility

Aidacare is a national distributor for Paragon Mobility products. They came about as a direct response to the need for Specialised Assistive Technology products within Australia. As our partner, they deliver high quality seating and mobility products coupled with education services directed toward providing positive client outcomes. Products included range from Ride Designs, Ki Mobility, Raz Designs, Therafin and Freedom Trax.

Paragon Mobility continues to grow a portfolio of world class products, and look forward to working with our dealer network across the country to assist end users in achieving positive outcomes.

You can book a trial with our team to demo products from the Paragon Mobility range.

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (2)

Book a Paragon Mobility Product Demonstration BOOK TODAY

The Ki Mobility "Catalyst Difference"

While every model in the Catalyst family has a different axle plate with adjustment capabilities unique to each, they all take advantage of the same innovative design features that set them apart from other frames in the market.

From the patented frame design constructed from 7000 series aluminum to the dual interlocking cross braces with a power x-hinge, there truly is a "Catalyst Difference".

  • Ki Mobility Catalyst 4 Manual Wheelchair The Catalyst 4 Wheelchair offers superior performance and versatility, designed to meet the needs of active users.Paragon Mobility
  • Ki Mobility Catalyst 5 Manual Wheelchair The Catalyst 5 has since redefined the ultra-lightweight folding market by raising the bar in weight, performance, durability, and functionality.Paragon Mobility
  • Ki Mobility Catalyst 5 VX Manual Wheelchair The Catalyst 5 VX is the epitome of excellence in the ultra-lightweight folding wheelchair market.Paragon Mobility
  • Book A Trial Request a trial for customised and expert advice today.Request Trial

Ki Mobility Rogue XP Custom Manual Wheelchair

Rogue XP

Growth with an edge.
Rogue XP changes with you over time so outgrowing your chair is a problem of the past, with optimised fit, function and ride, allowing up to 76 mm of depth and width growth.

  • Provides maximum adjustment and growth ability so fit, function and ride are optimised
  • Integrated Swing-Away Armrests move with the backrest when adjusting or growing making it an ideal paediatric manual wheelchair
  • Durable ultra-lightweight solution that meets the active lifestyle needs

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Flip the Script on Ordinary with Little Wave

The Little Wave range integrates design elements from strollers into the durability of a wheelchair. Just because it is a wheelchair, does not mean it needs to look like one.

Designed to be as unique as your child, this range of wheelchairs brings bright colours of joy to each wheelchair and a customisable set of functions to meet specific needs.

  • KI Mobility Little Wave Flip XP Folding Base Wheelchair The Little Wave Flip is designed for the smallest of riders with some of the biggest advancements in the industry.Paragon Mobility
  • Ki Mobility Little Wave ALX The wheels are in the perfect spot so that young people can use all of their strength and leverage to their advantage.Paragon Mobility
  • Ki Mobility Little Wave Clik XP Intuitive adjustment system to provide accurate and easy growth adjustments for your child.Paragon Mobility
  • Book A Trial Request a trial for customised and expert advice today.Request Trial

A True Prescriber-friendly, Folding Frame Mobile Shower Chair

Raz Mobile Shower Commode Chairs — Designed and manufactured to the highest standards of the discerning healthcare professional.

Only Raz offers the Ischial & Pelvic Alignment System (IPAS), which allows the commode seat aperture to be comfortably centered around the ischial tuberosities for clients with a posterior or anterior rotated pelvis. With so many adjustments and options available, the Züm is a true prescriber-friendly, folding frame mobile shower chair.

  • Raz Shower Commode - Attendant Propelled Pelvic Alignment – provides 2” of fore/aft adjustment so the seat can be aligned with the pelvis.Paragon Mobility
  • Raz Shower Commode - Self Propelle Backrest assembly adjusts fore/aft for seat depth change and centre–of–mass adjustment.Paragon Mobility
  • Book A Trial Request a trial for customised and expert advice today.Request Trial

Our People

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (16)

Steve Barrett Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Sydney & Western Regional NSW

Steve is the manager of our NSW Complex Rehab team bringing over 28 years experience and pragmatism to each case.

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Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (17)

Ben Szudrich Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Sydney & North Coast NSW

With over 18 years of clinical experience Ben's mission is to improve the lives of his clients and their carers.

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Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (18)

Ian Sobey Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating NSW Mid-North Coast

Ian has 18 years’ experience in the rehabilitation equipment industry.

Connect with Ian Sobey

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (19)

Andy Harborne Complex Seating Solutions Melbourne Metro & South

Andy has worked in the UK as a Rehab Engineer. His career spans over 34 years in the Rehabilitation Industry.

Connect with Andy Harborne

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (20)

Linh Yeomans Power and Manual Wheelchairs, Seating & Paediatrics Adelaide Metro & Regional SA

Linh is the Manager of the Complex Rehab team in SA and is also a qualified physiotherapist.

Connect with Linh Yeomans

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (21)

Clive Poulton Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Tasmania Nth & Sth

Clive, Tasmanian State Manager brings over 25 years of experience to his Complex Rehab role.

Connect with Clive Poulton

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (22)

Chris Lees Complex Seating & Manual Mobility SE QLD, Sunshine Coast and Nth NSW

Chris is Aidacare’s Queensland Complex Rehab manager. Originally from the UK, Chris offers his clients over 13 years of experience with Assistive Technology.

Connect with Chris Lees

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (23)

Ando Kerlen Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Townsville and surrounding districts

Physiotherapist with 6 years experience in rehab and hospital settings, and physician assistant with 5+ years experience in orthopaedics, general practice and emergency medicine. Only recently started working in complex rehab equipment but am looking forward to learning about this vast and interesting field.

Connect with Ando

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (24)

Kevin Ross Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating SE QLD, Sunshine Coast and Nth NSW

Kevin brings over 18 years of experience in the Assistive Technology industry to his therapist networks, clients and their families.

Connect with Kevin Ross

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (25)

Neill Brown Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Geelong & District

Neill has over 19 years’ experience in the rehabilitation equipment industry.

Connect with Neill Brown

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (26)

Rebecca Culleton Power and Manual Wheelchairs interest in Paeds Greater Brisbane Region

Occupational Therapist with 8+ years experience working across a broad range of clincal areas including within the hospital environment, private and community based practice, aged care and schools.

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Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (27)

Lorien Maloney Powered and manual wheelchairs, seating and paediatrics Adelaide Metro and Regional SA area

Lorien has over 12 years of experience working as an Occupational Therapist, a truely passionate equipment specialist within our complex rehab team.

Connect with Lorien

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (28)

Scott Mason Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Tamworth and New England Area / North West NSW

Over 12 years experience in the AT industry and a passion to help my clients achieve their goals.

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Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (29)

Emily Caruana Paediatric Equipment Specialist Geelong - Western Regional Victoria

Emily provides a wealth of experience accrued over the last 10 years in the Paediatric AT industry. Emily's passion for the field shines through with her holistic approach to AT solutions.

Connect with Emily Caruana

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (30)

Michael Andrews Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Paediatrics Albury-Wodonga, Nth East VIC & Sthn NSW

Michael's career spans over 20 years in the Rehabilitation industry. Michael has broad knowledge around both adult & paediatric equipment ranges.

Connect with Michael Andrews

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (31)

Sue Mills Power and Manual Wheelchairs, Seating & Paediatrics Wide Bay, Gympie & Central QLD Coastline Regions

Sue, a qualified Rehab Engineer has over 12 years of experience within the Assistive Technology Industry.

Connect with Sue Mills

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (32)

Nicole Robertson Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Caloundra

I am excited and passionate about my new role in the CASE community and providing the best Trial experience for our clients. We aren't just selling equipment we are a pivotal step in mobilising our client's lives and that is pretty special.

Connect with Nicole

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (33)

John Prescott Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating SE QLD, Sunshine Coast and Nth NSW

John has worked in a variety of roles in the disability sector over a 25 year period, the last 15 years has been focused on complex rehab manual and power wheelchairs.

Connect with John Prescott

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (34)

Daniel Smith Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Sydney, NSW

Daniel is one of our most recent Complex Rehab Team members, working as an Equipment Specialist is a natural extension of his Occupational Therapist training. Daniel provides advice on complex and often bespoke equipment that allows end users to live more meaningful, independent and engaged lives.

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Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (35)

Hayden Hawkins Power and Manual Wheelchairs & Seating Albury-Wodonga, North East Victoria and Southern NSW

Hayden is a newer team member to the complex rehab sector in Aidacare, coming from a medical science background Hayden has a wealth of knowledge to assist in scripting Power and Manual Wheelchairs.

Connect with Hayden Hawkins

Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (36)

Christian Maglalang Complex Power and Manual wheelchair Melbourne Metro - 50-60 km radius

Christian has been in the industry 19 years, previous roles working as Showroom Co-ordinator with light rehab products has given Christian the experience he needs to excel at Aidacare as a Complex Rehab Product specialist.

Contact Christian



  • Paediatric Brochure
  • Ki Mobility Catalyst 4 Flyer
  • Ki Mobility Catalyst 5 Flyer
  • Ki Mobility Catalyst 5x Flyer
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Paragon Complex Rehab Solutions (2025)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.