Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (2025)


Physical Therapy

What types of walking aids are available?

ByJonathan Cluett, MD

Updated on May 16, 2024

Medically reviewed byStuart Hershman, MD

Walking aids are helpful for patients who have chronic problems, including hip and knee arthritis, as well as those who have acute injuries, such as ankle sprains and leg fractures. Some people resist using walking aids because of inconvenience or perceived stigma. However, they have been shown to reduce fall injuries.

A physical therapist can help you choose a walking aid that suits your needs. They will assess your gait, balance, cognition, cardiovascular fitness, musculoskeletal challenges, and any neurological conditions. If you have had an injury, you may need a walking aid that matches your weight-bearing status. You may also benefit from an occupational therapy assessment of your living area and work environment.

This article discusses different walking aids and what types of injuries or disabilities they are best for.

Single-Point Cane

Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (1)

A single-point cane is helpful for many conditions where a little extra support can alleviate pain and discomfort. A cane is the simplest way to lend some support to the leg, though it is not an appropriate option when weight must be completely removed from the extremity. A single-point cane is a good choice if your problem is arthritis.

Be sure to know which hand to hold the cane with. The general rule is you hold the cane with the hand on your strong side and move the cane at the same time as your weaker leg.

Canes and walking sticks come in a wide variety of designs. However, they do need to be sized correctly and have a grip that you are comfortable using.

How to Adjust the Height of a Cane for Walking

Quad Cane

Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (2)

A quad cane is a good option for people who need more stability than a standard single-point cane can offer, but who do not need the full support of a walker. They are a good choice for people with:

  • Neurological impairment
  • Significant weakness
  • Balance problems

Quad Canes to Help With Walking


Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (3)

Crutches let you remove all weight from the affected leg or foot. Crutches require good stability and upper body strength, so they are often less useful for older people. However, crutches can provide both excellent support and freedom for those with ample strength.

Crutches take getting used to, but a few simplesteps can help you get around. If you have been treated for an injury or had surgery, be sure to get instructions or training before you leave the facility. Your crutches need to be fitted for the correct height, and there are several tricks to using them safely.

How to Adjust Crutches


Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (4)

A walker is the most supportive walking aid, though it's also the most cumbersome. It is an excellent option for those with poor balance or less upper body strength. ​

Newer types of walkers have many options and features that can make the device more convenient to use. Factors to consider when looking for a walker include:

  • Foldability
  • Weight capacity
  • Width
  • Handle height
  • Heaviness

The standard walker must be lifted and moved with each step. Walkers should not be used on stairs or escalators, so you may need another walking aid if you live or work somewhere that requires you to go up and down stairs.

How to Walk With a Standard Walker


Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (5)

Walkers with four wheels are called rollators. This type of walker doesn't need to be lifted and put down again as you walk. Rollators are good choices for people who have limited upper body strength.

Rollators have hand brakes so they can be safely used on slopes. They often also have a padded seat for resting and space to put bags or other items you need to carry.

Like walkers, rollators should not be used on stairs.

Knee Walker

Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (6)

The knee walker is simple to use, and one of the easiest ways to get around safely and quickly without placing weight on your leg. Many people who have a hard time using crutches, and don't want to be slowed down by a walker, will find the knee walker a worthwhile investment.

Knee rollers can't be used to negotiate stairs, so you may need another type of walking aid if you go up and down stairs often.


Many people need a walking aid at some point in life. An injury or other condition that affects your mobility can make it hard to get around without one.

There are many types of walking aids available, including canes, crutches, walkers, and knee scooters. A physical therapist or occupational therapist can help you choose the one that's right for you.

1 Source

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  1. Arthritis Foundation.How to choose the right cane.

Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (7)

By Jonathan Cluett, MD
Dr. Cluett is board-certified in orthopedic surgery. He served as assistant team physician to Chivas USA (Major League Soccer) and the U.S. national soccer teams.

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Which Walking Aid Is Best for You? (2025)


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